Train Your RPG Character

Hail, Valiant Character!

Are you ready to ascend to greater glory? Then it is time to join the Distinguished Draca School, a sanctuary of strength and skill where legends are forged.


In our Ludus, you will find a haven where your existing prowess will be honed to perfection, and new techniques will be unveiled to take your combat skills beyond imagination. Our trainers are seasoned veterans of the campaigns and can guide you through rigorous training. Shaping you into an even mightier force on the sands, the water or the depths of the realm.


Here, camaraderie and competition fuse, driving each character to exceed their limits. Unleash your potential, and etch your name into eternity as a champion of the arena!

Draca School

Exclusive Content

RPG Training Sheets for Single, Multi or Grudge Match Play

Draca School

Train Characters

Early level arena battles. Skirmish training and Grudge match forms. Practice and training for new players or seasoned vets is never a bad thing.

Draca School

Draca School

Books, folios and tomes for the RPG player. 

Draca School

Create Quests

Exercise the mind and grow into the characters you always wanted to be with our Campaign starter and Quest building tools.

Combat Training Forms

Inspire fear in the hearts of foes and wield a shield that deflects every blow.

Our Ludus offers a wide array of training. Master the ways of equestrian thieving, or the intricate dance of the net and trident. Maybe even practice the arcane art of explosion spells. With sweat and determination a character can forge not just the body but also chisel an indomitable spirit. One that is fueled by the cheers of the crowd.


Spar with creatures, practice single combat or train a full questing group. With our trainer books you'll learn to anticipate and react with precision.


Beyond the arena, you will uncover the secrets of strategy and the nuances of combat that only our training materials can impart. Join our ranks, and together we shall become an unstoppable force, leaving a legacy that will resonate through the annals of history.

Draca School

Ludus History

Learn about the Ludus history and the people who kept it growing and thriving for these many Sols.

The eBook is available purchase using this link: BUY eBook NOW

Draca School

Campaign Starters & Quest Ideas

The path of a character is not solely one of battle; it's a journey of transformation.

Enlist the tools of our Ludus and your characters will gain more than just the adoration of the masses – they will gain an unwavering brotherhood, united by the pursuit of excellence.


Scroll Stories is more than just story creation; it's a sanctuary to record personal growth, physical might and mental fortitude. Forge unbreakable bonds with your fellows, sharing in triumphs and facing challenges as one.


Remember, every triumphant roar, every defeated adversary, every clash of weapons will echo in eternity. Embrace the call of destiny and join our Ludus to etch your name alongside the greatest personas ever rolled. 

Draca School

RGP Agnostic

Draca School creates platform agnostic forms - bring any character to the game.

Come!! Fame and Forture Awaits the Bold. And with our Draca School tools by your side there is no conquest to big or quest to small. Take the steps to ascend to greater feats! Peruse our distinguished library of materials.


This is where legends are forged!


Understanding and power are very different things. It takes the discipline of the mind and the will of the soul to drive one in the pursuit of victory. Unleash your potential, and show them all that you have the character to create a champion.

Be King of the Arena, Prince of the Glen or Empress of the Deep !

Draca School

What Our Clients Says?

With Centuries of training and thousands of graduates

I needed Draca School to fine tune my combat skills...Thanks

Klindar The Questor

Chaotic Paladin

Draca was like my second home 



All are Welcome! Many will die. But the strong will flourish !

Rennius - 6th Lesser Ludus

Prior Ludus