The Draca Gladitorial Training School History

Our school emerged around the 3rd century and has flourished for centuries as a place where enslaved individuals, prisoners of war, and even volunteers are trained in all forms of combat, thieving and magic. Our school was established by a wealthy donor who recognized the potential for profit and social influence through the organization of grand spectacles. Our schools reputation has were spread throughout the land.

Training methods in our school are rigorous and aimed at transforming individual characters into skilled combatants. Gladiators are subjected to intense physical conditioning, focusing on strength, endurance, and combat skills. They will train in various combat styles, including weaponry and unarmed combat, and were often grouped into different classes based on their fighting techniques. These trainees will be closely monitored by trainers.

Use our facilities for a strict regimen that includes combat drills, sparring, and simulated fights.

While the conditions are harsh, gladiators who survived training and battles can attain a certain level of fame, respect, and even wealth, sometimes earning the admiration of the masses.

Orbus, 43rd Greater Ludus